
Foto: NatureEnergy
20 SEP

Bioøkonomi kan skabe bæredygtige forretningsmuligheder

Ny rapport: Teknologiske løsninger hjælper danske virksomheder til at forvandle biologiske affaldsprodukter til nye produkter inden for f.eks. fødevarer, energi og ingredienser...

Biotechnology Food and fisheries Energy and supply Environment and pollution
11 DEC

Key Danish role in major European innovation alliance

DTU is one of the main architects behind a new large European network aimed at developing the cities and transport solutions of tomorrow.

Mobility Transport economy Transport safety Transport models Energy systems Data analysis IT systems Telecommunication Systems analysis Air pollution Climate adaptation
Photo: Colourbox
30 NOV

Smart city solutions exported to Asia

DTU and Climate-KIC are working to export Nordic solutions to Singapore via smart city labs with the aim of creating cities that are pleasant to live in.

Environment and pollution
Foto: Colourbox
30 NOV

Smart city-løsninger eksporteres til Asien

DTU og Climate-KIC arbejder på at trække nordiske løsninger til Singapore gennem smart city-labs. Målet er at skabe byer, der er rare at bo i.

Environment and pollution
Inspection vessel Ejnar Mikkelsen on assignment. Photo: The Royal Danish Navy/Troels Sundwall
06 FEB

DTU security centre will strengthen research and collaboration

A new centre—Security DTU—will strengthen DTU’s research and facilitate access for public authorities and companies to the University’s knowledge in the field of security...

Materials IT and cyber security Environment and pollution Materials technology
Inspektionsskibet Ejnar Mikkelsen på opgave. (Foto: Søværnet/ Troels Sundwall).
03 FEB

DTU-sikkerhedscenter skal styrke forskning og samarbejde

Et nyt center, Security DTU, skal styrke DTU’s forskning og lette myndigheders og virksomheders adgang til universitetets viden på sikkerhedsområdet. Centeret placeres...

Materials IT and cyber security Environment and pollution Materials technology
Photo: Mikal Schlosser
11 MAR

The cities can become fossil-free, if they think 'smart'

Cities are major energy consumers and thus also CO2 emitters. However, it is precisely the many different urban infrastructures and energy units that may be the key to...

Electronics Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy storage Fossil fuels Energy production Energy systems IT systems Climate adaptation CO2 separation and CO2 storage
Photo: Mikal Schlosser
11 MAR

Software saves millions on urban heating

For the sake of safety, district heating water was previously heated more than adequately. Using software developed at DTU, the temperature in the network is lowered...

CO2 separation and CO2 storage Air pollution IT systems Software and programming Energy efficiency Energy production Power stations

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